Saturday, January 5, 2008

The beginning.....

Hey all,
I have been thinking alot lately about the amount of everyday life we have going on and the speed at which it rushes by. There are so many things that we ought to share with each other. We are a unique group of friends. We have defied odds in our continued relationships and I would think it a shame to let them slip away like so many others do. So the creation of this blog is for all of us to be able to "touch base" with just a few simple words, a picture of the family, or an event coming up in the near future. I think we can all use this to our advantage and I think we all check our e-mail at least once a day in our daily routines, so why not check in and see how the buddies are doing. I will be getting all of your e-mail addresses soon and sending out invites, feel free to invite those that you think belong here with us. Let's all make an effort to keep the memories that we made together something that we can still draw comfort and laughter from, and moving forward with our lives keep everyone in the loop with the exciting things that will happen to our families as we grow older together.
Peace out! Knib High Football Rules!!!

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