Monday, March 31, 2008

What's up boys?

I'm up here at Ft. Lewis WA. Things are going pretty good so far. They keep us pretty busy, but time is going fast. Lisa and the kids are coming up next week, we get 4 days of pass, then I'll be leaving for the big A soon after. This is going to be nice to be able to keep in contact w/ you guys. BTW, Congrats Dawe on the baby girl!!

I've been trying to keep an eye on the Jazz, they are doing pretty well. I hope all is well with you guy's. Sorry I haven't contributed much... I'll try and get some pictures on here when I can. Take it easy, I'll talk to you guys later,


1 comment:

Joel Frost said...

gregor, good to hear from you... you are the man. Keep us posted.