Sunday, February 3, 2008

This week I had my first venture back onto the violent court that is Church Ball. The Elder's Quorum in our branch said that they needed some help and asked if I could come play. Given that I weigh in a almost a metric ton, I figured that they must really need the help if they were asking me. So, last Wednesday night, I played in my first church ball game since I was a teacher.

We go to a spanish branch, so you would think that having white dudes would help, because we might be a little bit taller. Well, we had two white dudes there and we are both measured each time we try to ride the bumper cars are Lagoon, so we didn't help much. During the first quarter, they kept feeding me the rock. When they would dump it to me, they expected me to shoot. At least that is the look they would give me. "Wells..." I said, "let me try it." Yeah, I missed everything. So after a few of rounds of that happening, they didn't make the mistake of passing to me anymore, and they just let me set picks and screens, which is what I prefer. We should stick to what we know.

We lost by three points, and I spent most of my time arguing with the bloody ref. I felt that he was making some calls based on racism. At the end of the game, we had 16 fouls called on us and the other team had 3. Of the three refs, two apoligized after the game for the third one. I was told that if you get teched in church ball, that you have to talk to the stake president before you can play again. I came close but never went over the edge. It was a good game. No one lost their temper too badly, and we all had a good time.

I know that some of you all are ballers. Anyone have any experiences like that with a ref at church ball?


Joel Frost said...

I'm in Young Mens during priesthood so I never hear anything about the Elders Quorom stuff. They ask me everytime that they talk to me about coming and playing basketball. They really must need help. It is crazy that they are asking one of the fattest dudes there. But whatevs I guess. I need to get out there.

Brian said...

Dudes, AFRO I don't think it was a racial thing, I just think it's churchball. Our stake has 2 refs but also tries to encourage the elder's to call there own fouls. Let's just say if the stake president was at the games nobody would have their temple recommend. It's a joke. I laughed at your post because we had a ref on saturday who had a serious case of little man syndrome. He was about 5'2" and 52 pounds. I wanted to add him to the floor. He was calling the most ridiculous game ever. But after reflecting on the afternoon I realized it's CHURCH BALL and things will never change. So I decided to go and just have fun and try to get some exercise.